Featured article #1

wiki:using-this-wiki-site (view original)

Tento text popisuje, jak tato wiki funguje.

Tyto stránky implementují klasický Mediawiki-style wiki ve Wikidot.

Wiki stránky může vytvářet kdokoli a kdokoli je může editovat. Jen členové mohou wiki stránky mazat a editovat jiné stránky jako např. nabídky.

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Používejte Wiki Syntax

The Wiki Area

The wiki area is open to all registered Wikidot users to create and edit freely. To organize wiki pages we use tags. The wiki area provides a workspace for collaborative work, especially documentation in raw form.

Email notifications

By default, the site admin and all site members will get notified when anything on the site changes. This can create a lot of email but it lets you rapidly answer posts, delete spam, and check edits to pages.

Other users will get email notifications only for the page they created, edited, or commented on. This is rather like joining a mini email list.

Any registered user can also explicitly "Watch" the whole site, a category, or a specific page.

Není-li uvedeno jinak, obsah této stránky je pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License